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Our Beliefs
Shortly before he ascended into heaven Jesus said to his followers "Go into all the world and preach the gospel...." this command became known as 'The Great Commission'. Since that time the followers of Christ have carried this gospel message to all the nations of the world, often being persecuted and killed for doing so.
The Gospel message is the "good news" of forgiveness for sin, reconciliation with God and eternal life in heaven. The purpose of the church is to preach this message and to equip those who believe it to follow Jesus. At St James's we are committed to reaching out to others with the good news of the gospel.
At St James's we have...
To glorify God in
all that we do.
(Romans 12:1)
His Word, the Bible
(2 Timothy 3:16)
Prayer for His will
(Philippians 4:6)
To Proclaim Christ
(1 Corinthians 1:23)
To Build each other up
(Hebrews 10:19-25)​
To Send out workers
(Matthew 9:38)
This happens as sinful men and women hear the gospel, turn to trust in the Lord Jesus and grow to become more like Him.
We long that, in the time before Jesus returns, God will use the life and witness of our church family to bring praise to his name.
We see these as central to all we do and so
unashamedly commit ourselves to:
A Bible ministry, that is faithful to Scripture and applicable to today's world and
Prayer, that we would depend on Him every day as we seek to
follow Christ.
We aim to tell all that trusting in Jesus' death means rescue from hell and friendship with God.
We long to grow together as disciples of Christ,
following Jesus' lead.
We seek to obey Jesus in making disciples and are committed to making Jesus known both locally, and around the world.
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