We'd love you to join us for our Sunday meetings. Young and old, all are welcome!
We meet to love and encourage one another in Jesus, to help each other see how wonderful Jesus is. We meet to pray, sing, listen to the Bible and share with one another. We'd love you to join us!
Our morning meetings take place in the main church (using the main doors) and begin at 10:30am.
Our evening meetings take place in the Upper Hall (using the entrance on Lind Street) and begin at 6:30pm.
No booking required
There is no need to book in beforehand, just turn up.
What to expect
As you arrive the welcome team will be on hand to greet you.
Feel free to sit anywhere you like - there's no special seats.
During our services there will be a mixture of the following:
Singing together lead by our music team​
Listening to a section from the Bible being read
Listening to someone explaining what the Bible passage means for us
Praying - either altogether or lead by someone from the front
Opportunities to share with one another
Tea, coffee, refreshments and time to chat after the service (or beforehand for our evening gatherings)
Children’s groups (morning services)
All ages will begin together in the service.
Part way through, the children will leave for age-appropriate groups. Our groups are as follows:​​
Sunday Tots (0-pre-school)​
Sunday Kids (Reception - Year 6)
Sunday Youth (Year 7+)
Livestream (morning services)
We try to livestream our morning services through our YouTube channel for those who can’t come or don’t feel comfortable in coming. If you would like access to this, please contact the Church Office on 566381, or email office@stjamesryde.com